Sunday, January 08, 2006
Post Game Post Mortem

In a few days, I'll calm down and look back at this season as a special time. But I'm too dissapointed right now. I'm really hoping that when the Men in Stripes take the field again in a few months we'll see a defense that can actually compliment this high-powered offense and not force them to come out with their best performance week in and week out.
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I don't want to nag on this, which those who know me would say I am, but of all the people I know, I'm the only person that really thinks the hit on Palmer was legit and not an accident.
Watching the clip (no pun intended), I wanted to believe the man that hit Palmer didn't mean to do it, but I watched the hit closely, and to see the man's arm go around Palmer's leg... it looked a little too "set up". Bill Coward is a crooked coach, and he'll do anything to win. At one time I could respect him for that, but this is the lowest move I think I've ever seen him make. I've lost all respect for Pittsburgh, and I know they'll all burn in hell one day.
Bill Coward, my avatar's for you.
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Watching the clip (no pun intended), I wanted to believe the man that hit Palmer didn't mean to do it, but I watched the hit closely, and to see the man's arm go around Palmer's leg... it looked a little too "set up". Bill Coward is a crooked coach, and he'll do anything to win. At one time I could respect him for that, but this is the lowest move I think I've ever seen him make. I've lost all respect for Pittsburgh, and I know they'll all burn in hell one day.
Bill Coward, my avatar's for you.
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